Super 30 is abiographical movie based on the anand kumar directed by vikash bhal. In this film the real hero fails the real hero . in this film it is shown that their is only one way to ger success is by getting admission in IiTs. But dont no ther in many thing that can be other than doing IITs. The song of this movie is not bad.The climax was unwanted and overdramatic . The song of the movie was also not at allgood. I personally have watched the moviebut is just broke my heart. it just inpirising that the student from lower section is going to IITs but is depicted the story of this situation very badly .This movie is not at all realistic . but the one thing of this movie which you will love the most in the love the most in the in the world class acting of hritike roshan . He is just brillint in this movie . The only thing I loved in thing movie .But if you go and watch the movie then please keep this in mind that their is huge world other than doing IITs.