Super Sale is on air for quite some time and I am not very sure of its popularity or TRPs. But I look forward to this programme for the following reasons.
It is the only game show of 30 minutes duration all the others last for an hour.
It has great entertainment value. Sajid might not be the best host but he surely brings a smile to your face with all his madness(Sometimes very cheap).
The questions on the show are a good combination of filmi knowledge and general knowledge. Its a lot fun answering them along with the participants.
The structure of the show is very good( I know it has been copied - who cares???). The particular round involving 9 pictures called Dekho Mauka Maro Chauka is very good.
There are just 3 participants and all of them get a fair chance as all the questions are on the buzzer.
It is easier to identify with the participants as they all seem like the guy/gal next door. Some of them are brilliant. Some just go blank.
The prizes offered are also very good, though at times they seem to very expensive at the retail price mentioned in the show and also out of place (Who would want to drink from a tea-set made of silver and costing around 20 thousand. Not unless you are stinking rich).
A few suggestions ;
A better alternative should be sought for the Gaana gau, Public ko Pakaav round.
The female host should also be present throughout the show and probably also ask a few questions.
Stop using female escorts to bring in the participants.
The questions could be based on a particular theme for specific rounds. (Like the first Jhat phat Fatafat could be on places in India. The second could be famous people and the last De dhan dhanaa dhan could be on films.
Nevertheless the programme has great entertainment value in comparisons to all the on going soaps on all channels. In fact its the 2nd best programme on Indian Television in the entertainment category. Of course KBC 2 rules without doubt!!!!