Hello guys today m here to inform u people about super vasmol 33 hair conditioner.
Its an oil which is to b used as normal hair oils. According to the ads shown in the tv, it works on our grey hair n turns it black n stops our hair to turn grey again.
I wont say thts not true. It may b true for some people may b it depends on the hair type. I want to share my experience.
My mother used to use it some years ago.
ease of use:
I would say its very easy to use u can simply use it by wraping plastic gloves on ur hand then put it on ur hair scalp like normal hair oil
Effect and satisfaction:
It has no effect on grey hairs infact she told me that after using this oil her hair started to turn grey in a greater number. So I wont recommend it at all
I wont say u should not use it bt if u do its at ur own risk.i hope its helpful to all my viewers
All the best!