Surf excel we used from many years in my house and I am also using this for washing clothes .The surf excel detergent and detergent soap both are very good.
I can always buy it from the military canteen yol cant dharamasala with my sister who;s husband is in military I can always buy it from canteen at the 30% discount.
The Surf Excel Why I like Most
1 Its easily colaborated with the clothes
2Removes dirt particles and dirt easily
3 Its fragrance is also be good
4 it is available at the different prices
5 A free pouch a handy pocket also having it with free to took it at right place yo avoiding decresing density of it.
other detergent soap are not mixed with the clothes dirt and not making foam so that is irritating
But in case of surf excel its easily making foam and remove dirt ilike most its fragrance .
We all can read about the hard and soft water and also the cleansing action of soap in class 10th .
That I can say that this formula also work in the hard water easily which is the advantage of this surf excel detergent.
I can from my own using it experience says that use it once a time u never forgot the time
Totally 100% good result by this detergent bar.
Use it the best soap detergents by surf excel your trusted brand.