We went to Surjivan over the weekend and we were sold the story about it being the ideal getaway and promises of guests and crowd and games.and rappelling and what not.In reality it is just a 50 acre private farmhouse of a guy who lives in Delhi and sells people a marketing brochure. Reality is quite different. Surjivan is really a cow shed with about 7 -8 huts which smell bad. There is no service worth its name. Power and water are major problems and food is badly cooked.
Also for the pathetic experience there the rate charged is quite high.
The manager there lied to us that a lot of people come there including corporates but when we were departing he told us the truth .that very few foreigners come and hardly anyone comes again.
Real story is that Surjivan was built by a guy who got sold to the idea of rural living and was expecting large number of foreigners and his corporate friends to come and he could rake in the money but now that has not happened and the place is frankly stagnant and decaying.
Not recommended. Dont waste your money.