The Suruchi Restaurant in Calcutta is located near to the Mallick Bazar at Elliot Road. It serves authentic Bengali cuisine for decades and was the first restaurant to do so. It is a part of the All Bengal Womens Union a home for destitute women set up by Romola Sinha. Princess Anne during her visit to Calcutta visied the place. Apart from the restaurant it has tailoring, block printing and weaving sections to rehabilitate the inmates
The restaurant is a simple decent eatery with good food at very reasonable prices and is manned by the inmates of the home. It does not have a professionally run team as the basic idea is to rehabilitate the inmates. However, it is more than compensated by the simple decor, sevoce and food
The cuisine has been apreciated by both the bengali cognisenti as well as the foreigners weanting to taste the typical Bengali cuisine. Some of the noted dishes are the papda Eelish and mutton curry with luchi.