The latest craze to hit the TV airwaves is known
as Reality TV. Yes, as much as I hate to admit
it, Ive watched Survivor, Big Brother, Fear Factor,
Boot Camp, etc. Yes, Ill watch them again.
My problem with these shows is the label theyve
been given. Reality TV. Reality ? Huh ?
Let me ask all of you good people out there, when
was the last time you were living in a house with
11 other people and no outside contact ? Having to
compete for food and other creature comforts ? Do
you live everyday of your life, scheming and
back-stabbing ? Is this reality ?
O.K. now, when was the last time any of you were
dropped into a jungle, the outback, Sahara,
wherever ? How many of us have been forced to eat
insects and perform all types if inane stunts in
order to gain some sort of prize ? Just imagine
yourself or one of your children getting Sick.
Happens all the time. Do you have a producer who
will order in a Helicopter to whisk you away for
treatment ? Nah, you have to deal with the reality.
Who out there has been offered $500, 000 (or more)
to live in and survive these situations ? Please,
dont be shy, step right up and let us know.
Anyone ?
Entertaining TV ? Obviously, as all we have to do
is look at the ratings. Reality TV ? Definitely not
in my world. Nothing even remotely close to reality.
Can any of us identify with the situations shown and
honestly say, Yup, thats how I live every day, thats
my reality?
Now, if they gave them “x” amount of dollars and told
them to pay the incoming bills that equal more than
that “x” amount, that would be a reality for most
Of us!
If they gave them each 2 or 3 kids and forced them to
find a way to feed and clothe them, send them to school
and eventually off to college, that would be a reality.
If they put them in a car, in rush hour traffic every
day of the week, that would be a reality. (Hey, theres
a concept for a new show - we could call it
Now, if you want to label these shows as
VOYEUR TV, that would be a much more
accurate title for any one of them, dont you think ?