Surya Mahal is probably one of the most consistentrestaurants I have ever been to. The food, the service or the price neverspring a surprise at you. At least they haven’t so far.
I find the food at Surya Mahal quite good. Especially theirdosa and chhola bhathura are perfect. I used to find their Vegetable Chopsueyunparalleled but that changed. However, it is never appallingly bad. It’s justnot so good anymore. The only thing I have ever hated there is their soup, butthat’s consistently bad, so you know you should avoid it.
The waiters are very friendly sometimes, and sometimes, detached(?) but never rude.
I like the décor as it is simple and the white walls make itlook more spacious than it probably is. The only disturbing features are the abstractpaintings(There’s one in particular that I could only make out to be asquished dove, minus the blood). Other than that, it’s quite pleasant. Also, I likethe front seating area better than the inner one. But that’s personal choice, Iguess.
A long time back it used to be a lot different with wood panelingand round tables but then a fire happened. It looks nothing like what it usedto… but I love to go there all the same.
And yes, if you end up there, you can enjoy the benefits ofJal Mahal, Bake Hut and the Lassiwallah as well. All in all, worth all thetrips you can possibly make.
Oh! and they also have paper mats for the tables with trivia, riddles, puzzles and jokes. More than once, you will find someone looking for a pen.:)