The Future is Open.
With Open source technologies rocking the IT market the future of software seems to be really bright. Youve got everything with you, right from the sourcecode of the product to the options of implementing your ideas into the product and the world accepting and using them.
You have everything available with you to set up the complete portals on open source technologies. May be its a programing language(PHP), database(MySQL), Web Server(Apache), Application server(JBOSS) and not to forget the main thing the Operating System i.e. Linux.
Well concentrating on linux here. Its available in various flavours by many distributors. Some of the common known versions are SUSE, Red Hat, Mandrake, Red Flag, etc.
The base kernel for all these flavours remains the same, its the services on top of this kernel vary from flavour to flavour.
Ive been using SUSE linux for almost 6 months now. Originally a German Company which has now been acquired by Novell Inc is an excellent product in the market.
SUSE Linux 9.1 Professional Desktop is the latest product in the market.9.1 is the only version in the world that is running on the latest linux kernel 2.6. It is bundled with another Novell product called as Ximian which is a linux desktop managment suite which actaully gives a GUI similar to any windows OS. Totally GUI based you dont need to go to command prompt or specifially shell promt to do your work. It has lot of features like Open Office , CD Writer software , Real Player, mail client (K Mail) added to it free of cost.
Databases like MySQL , Post Gres available with it.
And its has one of the biggest features which you dont have in any other flavours of Linux YAST.
YAST is a GUI based tool where you can add thenew packages at a single click. You dont require to go to shell prompt and untar the rpm packages and install them. So just search for the software accept the packages and click the accept button and you are through.
You cant expect much more as the cost of SUSE is almost half to price of its competitiors in the market.
A really excellent OS in the market.
Excellent for everyone to use. People working on windows can easily migrate to SUSE Linux professional desktop. Its good both for home and professional users though there are seprate editions available for home segment too.
So people move ahead, if not buy, just download a free copy of Suse and try playing with this excellent Operating system.
SUSEs Chameleon will surely show its real colors and make you feel great with its features.