My father has been under the treatment of a lady cardiologist of SUT Hospital Pattom since the last 7-8 yrs and before that under DR. Bharatchandran while he was the MD .Father survived four neuro operations in the month of Jan and Feb 2014 and was visiting regularly every 15 days initially and then at 1 month duration.
We were meeting the neruro surgeons as well as his lady cardiologist regularly.
In the month of July we went to the hospital since he was having some problem to swallow the water and he coughed severely. He was admitted to neuro then from there they detected it was a cardiac problem after the cardiologist diagnosed after the echo.He was shifted to Cardiac care unit at 7 pm. at 8.30 pm he was shifted to medical ICU.When I asked why he is being shifted frequently I was told by two young male doctors that his was a medical problem and not a cardiac problem. I asked them to talk to our cardiologist and they replied that it was under the instruction of cardiologist lady doctor he is being shifted.The lady doctor was not available when his condition worsened . Previous evening when we asked the lady doctor whether she would be available at night during emergency she replied that duty doctors are available at night .Even in the morning during emergency she was not available despite our frequent requests, at the same time the neuro surgeons who had treated him came to review his condition.At last my father died of cardiac arrest.
I feel my father would have survived had he received good medical attention .But what can be done, we leave them at the mercy of these doctors, for them it is one of the cases, but for us it is our life.
If the doctors show some commitment at least we can console ourselves that the doctors tried their best.