Suvarna News 24/7 is one of the most credible, most upto date and informative-cum-educative Tv Channels in the Kannada News segment. The Suvarna News Network is part of the Asianet News Network. The Anchors of this TV Channel are smart in the sense that they deliver the news in a practical yet concise way so that the news content remains in the mind of the audience for a very long time. The major anchors of this TV News channel are Prashant Natu who is based in New Delhi and Pratima Bhat and Preeti Jain who deliver the news in Bangalore from their newsdesk. Another anchor worth mentioning here is Vijayalaxmi Shibaruru who does a lot of investigative reporting on matters of crime and politics without any sense of fear and favour.Thus, Suvarna News Channel is well-known and reputed in the news space due to their wide range of programs, the good quality of programs broadcast on the channel and their anchors and hosts.