Hi, I own a all new suzuki access 125 which I purchased on 1st may 2016. Last night me and my friend were coming from a party and at around night 11pm suddenly there were some strange sounds coming out of the engine. I suddenly stopped the vehicle and was checking what happened. I could not find any problem, but I was not able to start the vehicle after that. I have to push the vehicle to a nearby mechanic and got it checked there. The mechanic opened the engine and said that some part inside the engine got damaged and you vechicle cannot take self start now. He temporarily fixed it by using kick start and said me to show it in showroom. It has been only 1 year that I purchased access and I got a problem in the engine, in fact I got it serviced 1 month back from suzuki service center in malakpet gunj, hyderabad. I am dissapointed by owning suzuki. access got problem within 1 year.
Please do not buy this vehicle.
Thank you.