I bought Access 125 on 16 March 2015 from Saboo Motors Hyderabad with 5 years warranty.Since 1st week scooter engine is switches off after few meters on its own, the moment I press break, engine is switched off. The moment scooter goes over speed breaker, engine is switched off, this is quite annoying and dangerous. I have being giving scooter for servicing regularly.
There are several times when scooter has stopped in middle of the road and other vehicles almost have come and about to hit me from behind. This is Safety issue. I have shown to service center several times however there is no solution. Today because of this engine switch off issue, my 2.5 years kid fell down, I am very upset. It was big mistake to buy Access 125. Do not every buy Access 125 scooter, they are cheats. Safety and security is big issue. Second problem is very poor mileage of 10 km initially and now it is 20 km, service center says this happens because it is new scooter, however its has being over 6 months, still mileage is about 20 km which is really poor.