I rode all bikes in market before I decided to buy htis one. Had gifted one to my dad 2 years back. He was more than satisfied with this scooter- he has used many scooters in his life- lambretta, Bajaj Vespa, Bajaj Priya, Kinetic Honda. this one is real NO HASSLE bike.
I sold my 6 year old Bajaj Pulsar to buy this scooter. Not only this one has huge storage space beneath seat, but also has great pickup as compared to any scooter available in market today. Engine is very responsive and pretty silent. Smooth ride is guaranteed with good shock absorbers- especially the front fork ones like a motorcycle.
Only problem I have is when my vehicle is due for service. I have to travel atleast 20 kms and wait for 4-5 hrs till my vehicle is returned back. In Pune there are only 3 service stations, which are heavily loaded with vehicles to be serviced. Also I feel that fuel efficiency could have been better if they had used MPFI instead of caburettor.