Access 125 is made by suzuki automotives. Then surely this vehicle have more power than other rivals.This scooter is with many colour option and not restricted to black and white colour options.This scooter takes you to the next level of excitement.It is the blend of power and beauty.
This vehicle rocks with 125c of engine capacity that doesent get load on engine performance while riding on hills.engine is air cooled and 4-stroke which causes less pollution& more fuel efficiency.The milage of this bike is 55-60 which is on striked by company.But it doesnt give that much of milage at all.In practicle efficiency is about 45km/litre.
As it is as scooter, it comes with automatic transmission system.Access 125 is equipped other specs such as telescopic susupension in front wheels.The brakes are of drum type.some new features are added to the vehicle such as maintenance free battery and tubeless tyre and colour option.
In my personal opinion this scooter is best for any physique especially fatty peoples due more powerful engine.