I bought access from esccomotors trivandrum on24\11/2011, and hadfirst service, iam nowgetting 51km/litre, very good service providedby mr.jithu, serviceengineer, earlier iwasusing nova, a very badmachine witch emptied mypocket onrepairs, onedrawback is accessessunhealthy kicker, myvehicle isstylish, sexy, &economical compared to activa, nova, wego&pleasure, onething ihave tosay isheavy price ofaccessories&nofreebies, unlike other companies do.ireccoment gentlemen tobecome aproud ownersi of access, i have an agony, that ihave to ride42 km forservice centre, the space under seat isnot enough.one thing ihave to say is good brakes, ireccomend, infuture, modifications care should be taken toprovide healthy kicker.more service centres&some freebies which increaseses the satisfaction, &also tocutshort the gestation period to get the vehicle.