Friends first of all I want to tell you that gixer is always stated as it is not a good bike but I really think why people always say that. Friends go get a fz hornet and hornet test drive you will realy feel that hornet is only powerfull on papers. I own a gixer from 1year let me tell you all about it
Pros -
Looks are way better for hornet and fz
Price tag is almost the same
Engine is compleaty smooth and the way it dilivers the power is the most ossum part of the gixer it just swifts you as you want the ENGINE RESPONCE is the biggest part of like.
Feul consumption - my bike is 1year old ( nov 15) gives me average of 55 at highways and 45 in city. What more u can expect from a 155cc bike
Good head light - not at all any problem at night
Sitting position , tyre , pillon , is almost same in all three bikes
Cons -
please engineers of gixer chang the horn. ( I just brought 220 horn of 200 rs as I like it