After driving for 3 yrs and 42000 kms. Overall I can say that I am satisfied with this bike but I am planning to change the bike.reasons being..its quite heavy, I am getting tired easily after driving it in crowded traffic daily going to office and back home approx 30 kms daily.
This bike is not at all suitable if your daily travel involves passing through crowded traffic. Spare parts are not easily available at the showrooms.u have to wait for min 1 week for the spare parts to reach u from manufacturing unit in Haryana.
So u can imagine the difficulty for 1 week .in case of repair u have to look for other means of transport to office for min of 1 week. Then what is the use of buying this bike for going to office if repair is not done fast for want of spare parts. This bike was primary directed for daily commuter purpose not at youngsters or college goers who look primarily for speed but the heavy weight of this bike defeats the purpose since office goers with increase in age with passing of time would like a light weight bike to handle in crowded traffic.
This bike is definitely not suitable in crowded roads of major cities of India but is definitely suitable for long distance travel on highways and less crowded roads. Very less resale if u want to go in for a loss in case of planning to change the bike in future u can go ahead. Other company bikes give u good resale value, very few bikes on the road, i think the company will have to discontinue it in near future same fate as suzuki fiero and zeus. I brought this bike in 2009 when it was newly launched and after using it for 3 yrs I am planning to stretch it for a year or two at the maximum due to the above stated reasons.
I would definitely not recommend this bike for those who r thinking of purchasing this bike.if u want to go in for a loss in ur hard earned money by buying this bike then u can close ur eyes and mind and buy it.