This is my first review on I bought the beast(GS150) this may from Airport Rd Suzuki, Bangalore. I had short listed Honda Unicorn, GS 150 R and HH Hunk. I took test ride of all 3 finally decided to go for Suzuki GS 150 after reading all the users review in I am really happy I made the right choice.
Pros: Bike is very stable, no vibrations, very comfortable, Weight and Height is just perfect as I am 5.11 and heavy built one of the main reason I choose this bike. Initially before the 1st service I was experiencing hard gear shift and some queking noise on humps. Mileage I was getting around 45 in city limits.
After first service gears were aligned I was able feel the change while riding just a toe touch it used to shift. Airport rd Suzuki service person made some alignment even the queking noise stopped completely. Mileage remained the same.
After second service bike got even smoother and was just gliding in the air. Some time I felt that engine was heating a bit more than normal. Mileage remained the same.
After third service the real beast came out may be they might have tuned it to the core, Pickup increased much smoother than before. It was gliding on the air. I started riping only after the 3rd service. Mileage added up only by 3 kms.
Cons: It’s very hard to gauge the mileage as the tank is huge if the fuel gets on to the right side of the tank reserve will be turned on. Some time I switch on to reserve and then switch it back to ON the bikes goes for more than 10kms. I expected a mileage anything above 45 and it’s there so I am not worried about it.
The rear seating is on a very high position. A bit difficult for old aged or short people to get on.
Conclusion: If you are looking value for money and an excellent riding comfort and experience go for GS 150 R.