Hello everyone...this review might sound like a complaint to some of the readers. Im writing this review after riding this bike for around 6 months (4500 kms done). As I always rely upon the reviews posted on this website, I decided to purchase this bike based on the positive reviews posted for it. If all the reviews posted here by other users are genuine, then I must say that my bike is having some major technical fault. Except for the amazing riding comfort & really smooth gear shift, this bike is a COMPLETE DISASTER. Truly speaking, I had purchased this bike only because of its good mileage as claimed by other users who are getting a mileage of around 55-60 in the economy mode. But, since the time Ive purchased the bike, I never got a mileage of more than 42-45(rarely 48).
When I told the dealer about the poor mileage, my bike was kept at the workshop for about a week & at the time of delivery, I was assured a considerable improvement in the mileage but there was no improvement at all. When I approached the dealer again, he called a senior technician from the company to rectify the fault. He did some tuning adjustments but again, there was no improvement even after that. Thereafter, about a month ago, I gave my bike for 3rd free servicing and requested the dealer to do something about the mileage as it was really getting on my nerves..Finally, he himself kept my bike for 2 days & admitted that the mileage was really too less & therefore, the carburettor was replaced. This time, there was a little improvement and the mileage went upto 48 but alas, it again dropped back to 43 in a couple of weeks.
Im really bugged up now..I dont have time and patience to go to the workshop again & again and leave my bike for them to experiment on it. I have no other option but to regret now for wasting my money on this useless bike. As the dealer is co-operating with me & extending his full support, I cant blame him for anything but then, who is to be blamed?? Well, I can blame myself for purchasing this stupid bike and end the story, but being a customer, it wont be justified..isnt it?? This implies that the company must take the responsibility & do whatever best it can do to rectify the fault once and for all. Had mileage not been a concern for me, I could have opted for a better bike in the same segment like CBZ or Apache..as they are indeed much more powerful than this bakri and give a minimum mileage of 45. Jab mileage same hai to power itni kam kyu??? Another frustating thing about the bike is poor acceleration (pick up) & riding this bike in congested areas is a very tedious job. And if you have a pillion rider with you, then the situation becomes even worse. While driving the bike in the 6th gear, on a smooth road, if one has to slow down even gradually, due to approaching traffic, the momentum dies out suddenly, i.e., theres a sudden drop in the speed and thus, he has to change gears much before it is actually required. The noise of the engine is also very irritating...and more often, it sounds like an old moped. To be more precise, the sound is not masculine. The rear brakes are of no use...Ive to completely rely upon the front disc brakes (kisi din gir gaya to haath pair toot jayenge). Due to the poor braking efficiency, I avoid speeding and am never confident while driving..
Whatever Ive written in the note above is based on my personal experience and I dont have any intention to let the company down. After all, Ive patiently waited for 6 long months before writing this review. In case, the Suzuki guys are reading this review, they must take the matter seriously & try to give me a permanent solution.