I am the proud owner of SUZUKI GS 150R, Purchased 1 month back in PUNE from SWARGATE SUZUKI, Overall happy with the bike.
Currently 1K done and first servicing is pending, I am agrred with all the pros mentioned in the reviews but I observe some kind of cons describing below, Please suggest and share ur experience.
I feel some problem with the chain box I get constant sound from chain box while gear shift.
Gear shift sometime very smooth some time hard, specially shifting from 1 to 2.
if I press the clutch on 1st or second gear in crowded area my bike gerks and getting gad gad.sound from the chain box
Now after running few KM I find my pickup drops drastically specially on bit hilly road.
I have already got my chain setting done from service station but problem persist.
Please share the sugesstion and your experience.