I baught the first child of Suzuki (Heat) a couple of months back. I went for it just cos it was tagged 35, 450 bucks. Did a couple of makeovers just to make sure I did not look stupid and that included an under-engine cowl and a couple of graphic works. The baby looked good and I was happy....but my happiness was short-lived as the baby peed on my best shirt....!!! Instability was the first shock.....the second was mileage!!!! clutch problems!!! bang!!! bang!!!! I never knew the baby had a gun in his tiny little hands......
He put a bullet in my pocket!!!!! O boy I dont think I should dare to recollect the embarrassment that my little baby caused me when one of my friends saw me riding with the mechanic on the third week of purchase!!!!! Suzuki surely is here to get the pediatric unit into dizzzziiiieying heights!!!!! Anybody who is thinking about getting a two-wheeler with his hard-earned money....please forget giving it a try......my number is 9846474301.....pls call me.....I am located at Kochi....my bike is free for test ride.....
I would be more than happy to lend it for a ride.....cos that way I can surely save at least a few from making their worst gamble and this might be the only good thing I might do and for what God might reward me. If someone at Suzuki is reading this.....please pay attention to feedbacks from your outlets and service centers and please....please do something before you lose your S-badge honor. I always love to watch grandpre.....and its good to see Suzuki winning the podium......but out here in India.....Suzuki seems to have lost their way!!!
To be precise...these are the things that one should watchout on this lazy little babieeeee!!
1. Engine knocking even given minimum-to-moderate acceleration.
2. Mileage: 40-45 is what is am enjoying right now!!!!!
3. Clutch problem: Excessive sound during gear shift.
4. The handle seems to be wobbling at more than 35 km/hr with a rider behind.
5. The chain required to be adjusted 4 times in 7 weeks.
6. Since the monsoon has set in...its really hard to wake this baby and get going in the morning...the choke gives the wake-up call.
7. Power seems to be another concern.....I know 8 bph is what it promises on paper...but the truth is thinner than paper.
The only good that I noticed is that I can ride it at 25 km/hr with the 5th gear on. Thanks to Suzukis so called XTP Tech-no-logics!!!!