Well I do not know what say about ths buddy
but let me tell you
it is excellent :)
I got this ride 9 months back but I neva thought this scooter is this much good
What is Dio , activa and all ? Activa No looks , it is only good for adult people nd the suspension is sucks
and yeah just the looks tat is the main thing in tat thn the suspension nd the cc is only 110.
If we race with any scooter compared with dio , activa , aviator , maestro or any other scootrs other than access
you will win u know why the top speed is 101! and other scooters maximum top is 90 or 92
within 5 seconds it will reach 0 to 60 thn in 13 seconds it will reach 99 , if u have any doubt Jst try it well let me talk about milege when I gt my ride 1st I only gt 42 in Highway nd city I gt 36
ryt now.
I am getting 53 in highway and 47 in city but we have go in 40s - 57 then we will gt the exact mileage then about suspension for long route it is awesome but the only problem in about tyre the Ceat tyre is worst. :/
New MRF and New TVS tyres are good for cornering and all Do not know what say much in Malayalam we will say kidu machane :D !!!!!!