Bought this are in oct 2010.
I was looking for a big car( after spending 10 years in maruti suzuki WagonR)
I have a bad experiece with the Pasco motor, on last minute they ask for new price and also during service they scratched my car.
I luv to drive this car specially on highways and prefer to use small car in city.
The ground clearance plus the adustable seat( height) I liked it very much . I had a clear head up over the other motorist on the road. The majestic prowl of the car is also worth admiring. Vehicles just move off to give way to the SX4.With in a week I went to Silvassa with family. It was wonderful. The AC( automatic climate control) kept the inside real good. I touched about 130Km/h on the expressway. smooth and cool. At one instant, while overtaking a long body car carrier, suddenly the c
arrier veered to the right trying to come on to the overtaking lane