Due to some technology issues I am too confused to go into I had to post my review in two parts. If you are one of the lucky guys whove not read part one, please read "Zeus is a breeze - Part 1" first. Thanks. Part I is in Zeus 125cc. Its too complicated to explain, but thats how it is.
Part II
The morning after
And how do I feel about it now, after riding on Zeus for about 10 days?
The ride’s smooth and the bike handles well. The operation of the ignition key is slick. The electronic start is perfect. The shocks perform well in undulating patches on roads but when you hit the craters I have a suspicion they’re just on par with or even a little less efficient than Splendor. Maybe someone with more tech savvity can comment. Does it have something to do with the air pressure in the tyres? I would have thought that as the bike with the greater weight, Zeus would handle craters with greater aplomb.
The cold start is hot*
I’ve seen many reviews on Zeus complaining of cold start problems. I have to declare with much satisfaction that not once did I have a cold start problem. Only on two occasions did I have to even kick twice. I think Mr. Suzuki’s been reading Mouthshut and has got his act together in the cold start department.
A lot of Gere . . . sans Shilpa
*5 gears is good Mr. Suzuki. And most of all not having to change to lower gears even at about 20 kms is wonderful! And congrats for the gear indicator. It lessens the inconvenience caused by the tricky placement of the neutral. More of that later.
It’s skin deep. But you’re worth it, as Mrs. B keeps insisting
*Graphics. I certainly didn’t say “WOW!” when I first beheld the bike. But as the days go by I’m beginning to really like them. A case of familiarity making the heart grow fonder? Is that what is called a terribly mixed-up metaphor or something? On the whole, its not a bad looking piece of machinery.
Catch the bricks, Mr. Suzuki*
My grouse with Mr. Suzuki is on the way he’s placed the gears. Neutral is between 1 and 2. Sometimes when you think you are in the second gear and revving to your heart’s content you find the bike’s not gaining momentum. And you realize that from 1st it has gone to neutral while all the while you are thinking its in the second. This can be pretty embarrassing especially if you are young and foolish and keen on impressing chicks, femme fatales, colours or girls, as they are sometimes called. Then you find the femme fatales doing an imitation of the laughter of the guy who doesn’t use Close-up toothpaste. Pretty embarrassing!
Grouse No.2**. The dashboard. On the left is the speedometer. Good. And on the right is an equally large dial for RPM. And squeezed in between these two is a miniscule fuel gauge!
Question**. What purpose does the RPM dial serve? I really don’t know if I’m that desperate to know the Revolutions or Rotations per minute.
Now I think is the time to say some worthy things about Rs.100/-. I don’t know if you are aware of this Mr. Suzuki, but we Indians have this thing about Rs.100/-. For eg., if we find a pavement trader selling a shirt peacock green in colour and embroidered gold, and if he is selling it for Rs.100/-, what do we do? We BUY it, Mr.Suzuki! And when we go the petrol station, for how much do we buy petrol? For Rs.100/-! And if we fill in petrol for Rs.100/- in a Zeus how much does the fuel gauge needle move? Not even as much as Bush from his misunderestimations! And how can I hold an argument with the scoundrels at the petrol station who day by day in every way become better and better in making a perfect idiot of you.
The engine seems to be a sophisticated piece of work. So will the Zeus expect to be treated like a prima donna? Will she be able to take a bit of rough handling and occasional adulterated fuel, frequent crater encounters, or will she throw tantrums? And what kind of service can we expect?
Three point seven five half upon five
*3.75 would be perfect, but there doesn’t appear to be a provision for that. If it gives outstanding mileage and if the service is superior, I would raise the score to 4.5 forgiving Mr. Suzuki the indiscretions in the matter of the gear and the fuel gauge.
I know its been a long review, and if you’ve been with me till now, I do thank you most heartily. And if you rank my review with one of the ‘U’s(there’s a choice of four) I shall be even more thankful. If you also make a comment, I shall be obliged, and if you request, cajole or intimidate your friends, relatives and acquaintances to do the same, I am your slave.