The dificulty of making a non commercial film a hit is seen from this commercial flop. Even the badshah of bollywood could not convert the good idea into a commercial hit. Aishwarya rai has also faced similar problem in raincoat and Choker bali. Her acting ability also did not get a hit though good words were heard and awards were recieved. I liked the idea but it did not retain audience interest. The practicality of Indian all coming back to their roots is impractical.The NRI will find it difficult to survive in corrupt and laid back atmosphere of india after working abroad. Money also plays a fundamental role. Gayathri did ok and the other supporting actors did well. Khan had only the same type of standard looks and expressions like in commercial hits.I was not impressed by Khan . All in all a good concept marerd by poor execution. I went ot see the movie since it was said it was an idea to stop brain drain. But it happened to be stereo type idea. Camera effects were OKSound track was also OK. But the net result was below par and not really worth watching.