In Days when, Heroines are Giving PAPPIs (rather call it PAPPAs) in Public,
In Days when, Story Writers are churning out one by one Frame to Frame to Copy
of Hollywood movies,
In Days when, Directors are continously making, Standard movies,
Whether its Yash Chopras YELLOW FLOWER sequences, all Dream Romances..
Whether its 4 Bhagat Singhs,
Whether its all Horror movies coming after one another..
Here Comes one movie, which says sooo many things, without sounding,
Loud or Lecture or going over the board.
Really Guys please dont go by what those Veer-Zara (is a Genius movie) calling
Reviewers.. Reviews. Hopeless India-Pakistan Romance they feel its a Genius
movie. and its a feather in SRKs cap :((
From my Point of view. this is one of the FINEST ACTING Ever shown by
a Star named Shahrukh Khan (without being Himself).
Credit full goes to Ashutosh Gowarikar to completely remove SRK, from
SRK. and giving me a hidden SRK.
If these movies are not given appretiation, we will keep seeing that
so called escapist movies in our industry in the name of entertainment.
Just look at some these soooo original sooo Innovative
scenes from this movie SWADES.
1) Look at Sharukh in the Library Sequence.
2) Look at Sharukh when he wokes up in the morning, in the bus.(Hilarious)
3) Look at Shahrukh when he is happy to see,
Gita has rejected the marraige to a self centered Guy.
4) Look at Shahrukhs amazing acting,
when he shows he is throwing the Cigarratte, and again starts
Smoking :) Only he can do that :)
5) Look at Shahrukhs small littls chemistry with the Cute CHIKKO.
6) Look at Shahrukhs and Gayatris Chemistry when she is
helping him to wear a Dhoti :)
7) Look at the Characters Played by MELA RAM and POSTMAN.
And BEST is yet to come bhai.
One of the FINEST really FINEST Frame in Indian Cinema. where Shahrukh
sees a Child running selling Glass of water for 25 Paisa.
No Crying, No looking at the camera, no BIG HUGE imotions,
but just Two Drop of Tears.. says it All :)
Amazing .. Ashutosh .. just Amazing Scene.
And yet BEST is yet to come :)
Gitali or Gita .. real name GAYATRI JOSHI :) what a BEAUTY she is
again Ashutosh know what exactly Indian Girls are. (Apart from Kareenas
Pappas and those Remix Albums and those hopeless Mallikas everywhere)
This Comes again as SIGH of RELIEF, that yes their is somebody still left in the industry who knows how to show Romance, on Screen.
She completely holds her OWN indentity in front of Sharukh Khan.
Super and Sweet Gayatri Joshi and Full credit to Ashutosh to Giving us hope in GRACY SINGH (lagaan) and his casting of indian Girls.
Lots can be said.. :) but I think you must watch this movie.
Only Drwaback comes is ONE SONG (which can be edited) this a
Rama & Sita Song (like he gave us one super bhajan Lagaan) but A.R Rehman
Fails here. But I must give complete Credit to A.R.REHMAN for mixing
SHENAI (a dead musical instrument) in the title song and keeping
that instrument alive.. Hats Off
As soon as people feel from this moment Lecture starts..
Ashutosh moves to another Comic scene and thats his success.
Anyways (if you like the movie) I will appretiate,
If you dont like it (keep watching Mallikas and kareenas pappas to Shahid)