Swades Album--The most awaiting album coz I am a die hard fan of ARR.
I buy all his album no matter what others say about it . Really this one is good too.
Kailash kher (got it Allah ke Bandhe)s voice matches rhythm of master ARR & what should I say more about ARR as U all know , he is just a miracle happened to Indian Music.
There is no reason to buy this album other than as I told u all that I ve all his album from Roja to bomby dream to Swades , & yes I am quite happy there is no reason for why I buy this album as I told u all that I ve all his album from Roja to bomby dream to Swades , & yes I am quite happy.
I am also waiting for his Next album like Netaji, water-2, Lord of rings-2 (Background score by ARR) & what else I know in future the list will be growing, but I never leave this habit of listening to ARR.