Young hero Srivishnus latest movie is Swag. Directed by Hasit Goli, this movie is released today to impress the audience as a complete comedy entertainer. The story revolves around the succession of a royal family belonging to the Swaganika clan. Police officer Bhavbhuti (Sri Vishnu) is a rude man with no attachment. He lives as a monster, missing his wife who has left him. Feeling (Ritu Varma) on the other hand insists on female existence. She prefers to be of female height. What is the story of Singha (Young Sri Vishnu) in the middle?, What are the songs he sang for views while doing reels?, How did this clan come into his life when he did not know who his father was? Who is the heir of Swaganika clan in this whole story?, Who made any efforts for that inheritance?, and finally found an heir? or ? That is the rest of the story.
Although the background of this swag story and the performance of the actors are good, the director Hasit Goli could not create interest in the story. Especially in the drama revolving around the inheritance of the Swaganika clan, the repeated scenes have increased. In the second half, the conflicts and emotions between the characters were not worked out. Swags film is disappointing at many places as the screenplay revolves around illogical point with fake emotions. Overall the director has not been able to make this swag movie in a fully impressive manner.