R.k. narayan in his novel swami and friends gives a great deal of information about the progress of national movement in 20th century. But all the inferiority in psychology of indians and the domination of british is explained through a childs perspective.
Childs pychology: in the novel, india is depicted like a child and the britishers like a parent. It was embedded in indians that britishers were their care takers.
Innocence: the innocence of a child to think beyond the reach, abhor studies and lack of thinking rationally is depicted quite beautifully in the novel. Also through the perspective of a child, r.k. narayan has been successful in explaining how indians were attracted towards what was british as swami was attracted by rajams priviledges of british attitude.
Fun: the novel includes many pun on indian attitude of a snakecharmer country. The pun on indian attitude of bargaining and how swami could not understand the universal method of solving maths problems is a fun to read. There are other light jokes too in the novel. It makes the novel interesting even in the background of such high time of india.
Readability: the novel is in the form a perfect indian writing in english. The chapters are in the form of individual stories and each can be understood seperately. Moreover, the english is simple. Sentences are unlike proper english rules and are long although grammatically correct.
Over all, I can say that r.k. narayan, through this novel has shown why he is considered to be an esteemed indian writer. The elucidation of a sensual topic through the innocent eyes of a child is the best way one can adapt. It is a perfect childrens novel which must be read by adults as well.