The story revolved around two sisters who are different communities. One girl(Swara) is being brought up by her mother and her grandma independently and is modern while other girl(Ragini) is brought by her father and grandma who imposed many traditional values on her. They are neighbors and enemies. But later swara find out that raginis father is her father. She told to ragini but latter didnt believe swara and blamed swaras mother for her mothers death. But as time goes ragini understood swara is saying the truth and both fought with everyone and united their mother and father. As swara and her mother are bengali the people who came to engage ragini cancelled the marriage but later the boy(laksh) who came to see ragini fell in love with swara. At first swara rejected him. That time a mad boy entered inside their life who turned to be Lakshs cousin sanskar. He came to take revenge from the family. So he joined hands with ragini and brainwashed her and both made swara fell in love with laksh. While marriage rituals both showed the world that swara is a characterless girl. Then swara found that sanskar is not mad and gave some sense to him. He backed off from revenge but ragini pushed swara in the river to marry laksh. As her plan laksh married ragini and envied swara. Then swara joined hands with sanskar and proved her innocence. After this story could have gone in a better way but they made everyone in the serial as a villain except swara, her mother and her grandma which is negative to the serial. Even in the end they rushed the whole plot and finished in a senseless way. Totally a waste of time except the love for the couple(swara and sanskar) who showed how true couple should be.