I m never going to wright any negetiv feedback coz I had exillent experience with swiggy thet is didn't matter we faced issue some time with our delivery atlest we need to understand thet its digitally platefrom human have a common sance who can understand thet I allwys ignored some problem if I faced any issue about delivery but I want to say swiggy is trusted platform we can trust swiggy just want to share some word thet I faced some issue with my oder thet sloved today I really very thankfull the people who helped me extremely really appreciate coustmer support executive she is/Ms priyanka I don't know wich one office have she contacted with me but she is brilliant she have a lot of knowledge how to handle coustmer kindly appreciate to Ms RM_ priyanka John wish you all the best your success don't break our faith Thanks. ?? ?? ??
Best regards
Naresh kumar?