Ok like many of you I had no clue about anti virus software” when I first got online about 5 years ago. Well after a bug infected my hard drive and ate my DOS Partition, I knew it was time to learn. I was in for a serious education! Like many newbies I wanted it for free. Well, I got what I paid for. After having McAfee for so many years I realized I need something stronger. I chose Norton. Now the way I ended up with the whole system is a story in itself.
I had gone to our local Wal-Mart to purchase the Norton Anitvirus software. I began looking at the price tags since I only had about thirty dollars to spend. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Norton System Works was only $29.95. I asked the lady in the electronics department what was the difference between the virus and total system thingie. She had no clue. She said to me that why should I pay more for just the virus (which was listed as $49.96) and the total thing for $20 bucks less. She was as clueless as I was. So off to the front I went to pay for this really neat looking yellow box that I had high hopes for. Well, when I got to the front to pay for the software it came up as $49.96. I told the girl that was not right. It had been on the shelf for $29.96. She of course had to call to verify this and I headed back to the electronics department. No one realized that it had been placed in the wrong slot! The virus software was where the total package software was supposed to be. Needless to say they were not happy. I got my software for the $29.96 plus another $5 off! I could not believe my fortune. So I skipped out of Wal-Mart feeling like a kid who just hit the candy jackpot! Now that you know how I got it let me tell you just how amazing this software package really has turned out to be!
The first thing you notice is that it is set up to be extremely easy to use. The “box” if you will that is your control panel is very neatly set up. Buttons are to the left kind of like on the old console television sets I remember from my childhood. The colors seem to have a softer tone to them. They do not hurt your eyes as you read the menus. I like that.
Button 1- Norton Utilities.
Optimize Performance. This one gives you two options. Speed Disk is the first one. The is just like the defragmentation tool in windows but sometimes our windows defrag tool won’t work so this is a great addition. The second button is to the Norton Optimization Wizard. Now this is a cool toy! It cleans the registry and finds little lots files and sends them home! Way way to cool! Find and Fix Problems. This one has four choices. System Doctor is the first one. It lets you see how well you computer is actually working and using it’s resources. Neat to use but I am not sure how it can really help me. I just know when my puter slows down I need to defrag or get rid of some junk! Next we have the Unerase Wizard. It is a good feature only if you have not empties your Recycle bin. Otherwise it does not really help much. Next we have Disc Doctor. This is a neat little tool that finds lost clusters or puts things and associations back together. Be sure that when you run this you have NOTHING running in the background. Turn off any virus software, any screen savers and anything that runs behind something like a kid-ridding piggyback. Other wise it will keep restarting and taking forever to finish. The last button (and my favorite) is WinDoctor. This little puppy can find and fix problems with Windows. It really works! I have WindowsME and my IE 5. Seems to crash or freeze up regularly. After using this it seems to have “fixed” it and it works fine for awhile. Of course about monthly but I know that is Windows problem and not anything less. System Maintenance. System Information is the first button. A nice little tool that tells you what you have. I do not really use it but it was neat to play with! Now the next button is Norton WipeInfo. The actually “wipes your free space on your hard drive. Ok, now as a novice user per say this was interesting to me since I could not really understand why I needed a utility that let me do such a deep seep as the military would use. It was interesting to say the least. I have not used this tool. I next we have Image. This is pretty simple. It takes a snap shot or picture of you systems critical information. To me all my stuff is critical. Norton File Compare is the next little gem in line. It lets you see if you have duplicate files on your computer. But be careful! You may need some files in two places and if you delete it you are in trouble..sounds like the voice of experience huh? You got it! Finally there is Norton Diagnostics. The looks at your hardware for conflicts. So far I have been lucky. No conflicts with this new computer.
Ok now we come to the main reason I bought this product.
Button 2 - Norton Anti Virus.
You have System Status, Email Status, Scan for Viruses, Reports, and Scheduling. Basically that means you have all the tools you will ever need to keep your toys safe. You are able to do a full system scan, e-mail scans, web pages scans the whole thing. You can set your preferences to either delete infected files or quarantine them. I chose to delete them. No sense in taking chances. I especially like the Live Update feature that enables the software to actually work for you. It will wait for a signal from the home computer that new virus dat files are available and go get them. How easy is that? You can do a full system scan, scan any drive on your computer and virtually check every nook and cranny for bugs!
Button 3 - Norton Cleansweep
You are able to safely uninstall programs using the Uninstall Wizard, clean up bits and pieces of files that get left behind after you have deleted a file or a program with Easy & Safe Cleanup. You can also restore files that you have backed up using Restore Wizard. You have Internet Cleanup, which is exactly what it sounds like. Cleaning everything from temporary files to the caches to cookies to plugins! Now we get to the juicy part of moving and cleaning Programs. I have no clue so I leave that alone. Then there is also an Advanced tool that lets you fix dll extensions, redundant files, files that are orphans and unused. Sometimes it seems like it wants to give me more information than I need. As long as it “ain’t broke don’t fix it “ is what my momma has always said. So I ain’t fixin’ it!
Button 4 - Symantec Web
Here you will find links to the website to get you some answers if you need them or get you some help. Pretty self-explanatory. They do have one neat little feature though. You can get connected to their site and they will tell you just how secure you think your toy is. Very eye opening I must say!
The Bottom Line: Software that delivers. Will becme an invaluable tool for your computer.