The review is for Diet 22 i
The cooler provides good/excellent cooling with chilled Water. Works well in providing personal cooling in big halls where you otherwise require 2-3 ACs. Remote provided with cooler comes handy but is not oftenly used.
It is good option when you require cooling for yourself and not the whole room. Cooler is best for 1 person, Sufficient for 2, OK for 3 people and just satisfactory for 4 persons.
The cooler does not emit water droplets as you find with desert coolers because of Honeycomb Pads. I was specifically looking for this type of cooler as I dislike the humidity caused by desert coolers after extensive use.
The best part is the mobility. We use it in Kitchen area, just near the dining table and on the TV viewing area.
I bought this cooler when I already had an AC in bed-room and required cooling for above purpose. The cooler has been performing very good as per my requirement. There is scope for improvement if they can increase the horizontal coverage area or slightly increase the air-speed.
Over-all good cooler. Price could be reduced as Symphony is already selling Diet 50i for just Rs 1000-1500 more. Availability is an issue for Diet 50iin my area so I had to opt for 22i. Diet 50i is definitely a better option than this cooler.