The main reason to buy this cooler was its design. Its really compact and it is easy to carry in any room and most importantly its a cooler so we were expecting it to give cool breeze Im wide are but there was no such case with this one. The cooler is not good at all.
We bought it from a local seller and he said its a heavy duty cooler and gives a very good breeze even at such small size. We were impressed by it as we saw the demo.
The cooler worked fine for a week then it started giving issues. At a small room it was ok for the cool breeze but if you go to a hall it wont reach all the room and you may still feel hot.The issues it had was that it was making sounds so we ignored it but after a month it stopped working and we were surprised by it. The service cost us 1200 rules as some part was not covered in the Warranty.
Also when we compared it with our regular fans it was no better than that. The only advantage it had was the portability nothing else also not reliable product also and not durable at all.