I purchased this product in 2014 as at that point of time SYMPHONY was said to be the best company in air coolers . I got this for around Rs. 6000.
I needed this near my study table because it was normally very hot where I lived. But after 2 years of usage I have to say that it wasnt a good experience.
If you even by mistake switch on this cooler in a closed room, instead of cooling your room, it will only make your room more hotter! yes, its true, I had my own experience .Another thing about which I was disappointed was that in the manual they said that if pour 5 liters of water, it will work for 4- 5 hours, it even did for first few months but after that it became as less as 2 hours. after the water is used up the machine gives out a Grrrr.sound which can wake you up from your sleep. I dont recommend this product.