Hi folks, I am sharing here my very personal experience of Symphony Ninja 27 personal cooler. I bought it somewhere in June 2018. Actually, I bought it for my mother as she feels very uncomfortable in ACs and in fact not very used to ACs till date.
I always stay away from appliances that are too technical like a generic cooler that we get in the local market. As it requires very frequent repair and I personally consider them unsafe with small kids all around the home. As we all know they have a metal body with water coming or pouring from 3 directions, so I didnt give it a thought and instead went for a small personal plastic cooler and upon very personal recommendation, I decided to buy Ninja 27 from Symphony. I got it from the local market as I didnt had enough patience to buy it online.
It worked fairly smooth for the first season. Even though there were small glitches like water sprinkling out of blower, but they were sorted by company representative by some jugaad. However, it didnt stop it completely, but I was okay with it for the time being.
But this year when I started to install it a few days back, firstly the blower not working, but somehow I managed to give it a push start by pushing it with a screwdriver. But later I noticed even the water pump was not working. Now here starts the problem. Inside the cooler there is so much of plastic that a normal person cant even reach to water pump. However, I again tried and tried, but only to fail and fail badly. Now, due to some shifting and alteration in my place, I am not even able to recall as to where I have kept the bills and the warranty manual. I am hope less now as even If I manage to get a duplicate bill from the dealer, how will I even get the warranty papers.
The most annoying part is coolers are ought to run for atleat 6-7 years as per my experience. However, this has failed only in 1 year. I feel I have made a wrong decision of trusting a brand that doesnt care about quality of products used.
If anyone from Symphony is reading this, pls help and prove me wrong. Thanks.