I brought symphony winter, but the seeling fan is far far better then this product because there is no no use. Unnecessarily I cpurchased it I got it from my dealerit was really useless and when I contacted the dealer back he said I because the water is put in it it cannot be taken back and I literally wasted my money if it was of 3000 4000 I would have left it but it is 12000 unable to understand what to do my sincere request dont go for a symphony products and H forth henceforth I got the customer care and they are hardly responding for everything is said nothing is possible nothing is possible what to do I lost my money and please dont use your money for this product.
I had Harley used for todays and there is a lot of noise coming but no performance and the people at my home didnt want me to switch torrent all because of the noise and I dont know whether to keep it through it in the dustbin I am unable to understand.
Thought of writing to the heads
this organisation however those people have not mentioned it everywhere so now I am unable to understand how was