Symphony Winter air cooler using water. This cooler cools the air very much equal to that of the Air Conditioner. But the problem is that the area cooled by this product is limited. Only small area can the cooled by this. On speaking about the service and support they are very worst. I was not able to contact the customer care since they not response. The sound that had been produced by this air cooler is very small and hence not problem in the sounding. Since this product uses water to cool the air. We have to fill the air which make formation of fungus in the suction tube inside this cooler. Which decreases the efficiency of the cooler. This dirty particles are get stuck and the motor in the air cooler is affected. My air cooler had also have the same problem. Hence clean this area every time before your fill the water. The another thing is that this air cooler inheal the air for the environment through the side arrangement. Where the accumulation of the dust reduces the cooler performance. Hence use this air cooler in the clean environment. This product value is some what high. I prefer that you can afford a air conditioner then this.