Tarak Meheta ka Oolta Chasma is based on the book Tarak Meheta ka Oondha Chasma. The name might suggest that Tarak Meheta is the main protaganist, but its actually Jethalal who is the main character. Jethalal and his wife Daya lives at Gokuldham Society with their son and father. The story revolves round antics of Jethalal, Daya and their neighbours - the Aiyers, Sodhi, Tarak Meheta, Dr Hathi, Bere and Popatlal. Stories are based on short incidents which is not more than 2-3 episodes long. This is telecast on SAB TV at 8:30pm and 11:00pm
The best part of this serial is the freshness it brings to the audience. I am sure the audience by now must have become bored with K Serials and the Reality TVs and Laughter Shows which have more adult content than laughter. This serial brings you clean comedy which you can watch with your entire family. Stories are short and they dont tend to drag. Characters and incidents are based on middle class families which you and me can relate to. This serial might not have laughter quotient as Sarabhai vs Sarabhai( which I rate as benchmark in Indian comedy serials) but it does put a smile on your face while you watch it. It tries to make you laugh without being buffony or making adult jokees.
On the other hand, the plot and acting might come across as amateurish. Except for Jethalal most of the characters are new to silver screen. This becomes evident from the acting. And often the serial tends to become preachy. You can obviously see the "National Integration" theme in the serial since there is a a Parsi married to a Punjabi, a Aiyyer married to a Punjabi, Hindu, Muslim, Jains all living in the same colony without any discrimination. I find this concept very appealing in this world of hatred and discrimination but at the end of each episode, sermon by Tarak Mehata is something which is like strangling you with extra dosage of good wisdom. The serial can do away with it.
Overall I would overlook the acting and plot and give it high rating coz it leaves the viewer with a feel good factor. This is one of the rare serials which everyone in the family from a kid to the grandmother watch and enjoy. Do watch it. I would suggest you to miss the current few episodes as the entire Gokuldham society is celebrating their anniversary and all thats there is dancing and singing which is something that I find is very filmy and not realistic as the serial usually is