It used to be a great comedy dailysoap but now I dont like it very much. I used to watch it a lot, few years ago and still I really enjoy its old shows. But now its not that much good. Its like they are carrying on this show just to break some sort of record of the longest running dailysoap on TV in the world.
It seems very awkward when they invite actors to promote their movies instead of focusing on their theme of comedy. Its like they are now running after money instead of comedy.
And really Daya seems to be very irritating now. She doesnt sound like she is showing any sort of comedy( earlier she used to do) . Her character turned out to be more emotional and intellectual. She is shown like she is very knowledgeable but how could she be if she is illiterate. The old Daya was the correct substitute for this character. But, directors and producers see Indian audiences nothing more than just dumbo.
I also didnt like the new avatar of Babuji. He is not at all comedy now. He just became the symbol of someone who knows everything about life and whose judgement is the final one. It feels awkward.
Jethalal and other characters are doing okay but not like they are expected.
I think its not a comedy show now. It just shows the old indian values in old ways. The directors and producers of this show should give a thaught to the practical world instead of ideal world.
Thank you.