TMKOC writers really need to be changed as soon as possible or the show is going to lose its popularity very soon which is already on a downfall. The show doesnt have any content and any viewer can easily tell they are just extending a story unnecessarily. eg. "lets take the episode going on now where sodhi is going to tell something to his wife. Now they are just extending the number of episodes with repeated dialogues(khushi, dukh, gussa wala dialogue has been used 100s of times and has become really annoying); showing a recap of previous episode inside the ongoing one in the name of some character telling the background to other character, which can easily be skipped; pulling in unnecessary sub-plots in the main plot which really dont make sense at all(like the naintara one)." Viewers can easily make out you are just increasing the number of episodes. If there is no quality in the content then there is no point boasting off that we completed so many episodes and all.Friends(which is to good be compared TMKOC but still) had 236 episodes but it had awesome content and thats why people still watch it.
And one more thing, Asit Modi really needs to stop coming on the show. Reasons being, it mixes reel and real life in the show which is obviously very very stupid and Asid Modi really sucks at acting.
New Episodes are really really boring, annoying and very predictable. Seriously, change your writers or pay them better.:P