TZP is not a childrens film, its only centred around a child.
Trust Amir Khan for bringing a fresh wave of sensibility into Bollywood
by touching on one of the most ignored subject in Indian cinema -
children. And turst him also, for making it a commercial success. And
that he achieves with the help of some splendid lyrics by Prasoon Joshi
and excellent music by Shankar and Co. The lead child actor in the film
does a terrific job of portraying an otherwise normal child who has some
learning disabilities and most people would identify with at least a
few scenes centered around him in the film. It is to Amirs credit
that he comes into the film only near the end of the first half - at a
time, when other actors are publicly squabbling over whose name should
come first in the credits!. All in all, TZP is an earnest ( and
successful) attempt to both entertain and educate the audience, and the
expectation of that was the principal reason why I paid 250 bucks for
watching the film in a multiplex and also why I would encourage you to
watch the film as well!