After an Average Fanaa, Great RDB I was in a hungry to see next Aamir movie. as we know Aamir do less movies in one year I had to wait almost like 1 and half year to watch his Next Movie called TZP. being an Die hard Aamir Fan we had that experience since Lagaan days. I kinda get angry at Aamir sometimes coz of his huge releasing gap and doing less movies. But TZP destroy ma all minus, angry feelings about Aamir and it made me a PROUD Aamir fan. Now I can even wait more 4 years to see an Aamir movie if he makes more Classic movies like TZP.
Ok some ppls might not believe it but this is my first Aamir movie in a theater ever, and wooow what a fuking DAY it was.
Speaical NOTE - Im not very good at giving reviews so be patient Thanks.
Everyone knows the story it is about Dylexia, and an Art teacher trying to Help a kid who suffering from dylexia while his parents, rest ppls Trashin him.
What Aamir said in interviews was daam true. "In my oplnion it is THE most important film on children to come out of India." Simply it is The Best movie on children in bolly ever IMO. its really change how u look at the childrens. If I become a father someday I will try ma best to caring ma kids properly. Thats the Meassege what I got from the movie. Thats what Aamir, the writer trying to give to ppls.
# All Sceens between Ishaan( the kid) and parents
# When Ishaan Start to read the book in the class( ahaha everyone in the theater laughed)
# Entry to Boarding School & MAA song.( I cried)
# Aamirs Entry, Aamir and Ishaans First Meet
# When mother looking at ishaans Art books
# The sceens in Taare Zameen par title song( Amazing)
# When Aamir meets Ishaans parents( A Classic sceen)
# When father comes to meet Aamir at the school & The Conversation between Aamir andfather( BRILLIANT)
# All sceens in Art MELA
# The Climax
Actually almost every singel sceen was too Emotional, Touching simply Amazing. As a Director Aamir have done an Awesome job. he made that Kid act, his camera angels, the way camera moves realy great. Directing and Acting in a movie together isnt that easy thing. Only few ppls in Bolly did that, Few Succeded. I gotta say Aamir is the BEST Actor Turn director in Bolly. If anyone think im being biased pls go watch the movie and decide urself. HATS OFF To Aamir for making an OUTSTANDING Movie like this.
MUSIC - Fuking Amazing. it suits very well to the movie. MAA, TZP title songs are very touching. Mera jaahan was very good. a good energy song. Bum Bole an Great Entertaining song. Kholo kholo is AWESOME. rest were alrite
PERFORMANCES - What can I say about performances? Almost everyone was PERFECT in it. only the egnlish teacher didnt seems very comfortable when he jokes, but that was nothing. just nothing.
It is Ture The Movie Belongs to the KID Darsheel. What a Great Talent. HATS OFF To Aamir again for finding such an Amazing talented kid like him. His facail expressions, body language everything was just GREAT. He make u laugh in first 40 minutes and he will make u Cry in Rest. He deserve a Speacial Award for this Mindblowing perfromance. He was just brilliant in every singel fuking sceen.
Rate - 5 / 5
Now comes to the ACE Aamir as always he gives his best. When he talks to kids parents his facial expressions was just PERFECT. I dont have words to describe how good he was. same as the kid make u cry Aamir make u cry whenever he enter. Wonderfull performance.
Rating - 3 / 5
Mother( tisca chopra) was really Great. another good find by Aamir. Very natural.
Rating - 4/5
Father was really bad. 1/ 5
Rest - did a very good job, Ishaans brother, friend, teachers everyone was good.
Ratting - 2/ 5