Good attempt, but let me tell you something dont go watch taare zameen par with alot of expectations, as I did. The movie does go on a alot. The first half is, I found the length of the film too long it should have been trimed down atleast 15mins..It failed to keep my focus on the movie. Aamir and the kid performed very well. Is all about a boy getting diaplined and going to boarding school and his life after when he meets his teacher(Aamir khan). aamir brings freshness to the kids as he is a young teacher and he connects to the kids the most. He comes in the secound half he is only in there in the second half so do not expect a full aamir khan film because this more like a half movie of aamir khan.
Directingwise aamir does okay, the editing is not to good and needed work on. Some senses they should have trimed off which was not any use. Thats where the film loses it. It does drag big time and it would be better if parents see this film. You will feel sorry for the kid in the movie he does really well and should get a special award. Overal one of the best of 2007 after chak de India and black friday but yet again those where the only 2 films out this year which I really did enjoy, so it ranks number 3 for best film of the year for me. But still its only because of the performances that saves the film somewhere..Aamir and the kid and also the kids parents does really well!
Not at all a masterpiece as I have heard some say, no where close but a simply average to good film with amazing performances.
The music is first rate the title track is the best of them all, also the bum bole and maa tune is okay as well. SEL best music after along time I may say the music matches the story and has a soft silky feeling to it. This movie is meant to make you understand kids, but its more like a documentary about Dyslexia,
The movie box office wise should do well as its the holiday time and near xmas and familys will go watch this movie
Overall, parents and only parents go watch it.I would say dont take your kids they will get bored..