My heartfelt remarks shall be devoid of any biased effect owing to the presence of my utmost favourite Aamir Khan, who with his upbeat histrionics has been successfully managing to cast his magical effect time and again.
This time he has again rocked the hearts of cinema goers who needed a break from the impasse
themes churned out on a regular basis.He needs to be complimented for bringing up an issue which has been presented exquisitely.Must say an arduous task on the part of the entire team to be expressing it so graciously.
Initially the movie did not arouse much interest as I felt that it would be run-of-the mill storyline but as time grew my interest also shot up drastically.I could sense that something hooked me to the
screen and I found myself getting drowned in the tidal waves of the hardhitting theme.
A young school going child who does not happen to be a conventional student, whose learning mechanism is explicitly different from the rest and who is not able to do justice to the care and affection showered on him by his doting mother.
Then the innocent kid finds himself in the eyes of the storm when his strict and disciplined father packs him off to a boarding school.Hell breaks loose on the affectionate mother who cant bear the pain of separation but still has to swallow the bitter pill in view of the existing situation.Even the brother sighs in grief but remains silent in accordance with the commands of his Dad.
The shock written on the face of the kid of having been suddenly drifted to an unknown land among unknown strangers far away from the bosom of his loving mother.The situational song dedicated in the remembrance of the mother melts the hearts of every emotional entity.
Then the Messiah arrives in the form of our endearing favourite.The lead actor immediately senses the inherent talent in the "lonely in the crowds" kid and adopts every possible measure to groom the kid and finally his hardwork and devotion in the transformation of the kid pays off.
The kid kickstarts on a new path slowly and steadily.The child becomes a bright student who gets rewarded for his talent amidst a large number of people.Even the parents find it hard to believe that their once upon a time stubborn and irresponsible and confused kid eventually has embarked upon a way which would lead him to the world of his dreams.
All thanks to the producer and director for delving into a topic which is an intrinsic element of every household.The movie has been widely appreciated for the chemistry between the lead actor and the child actor who has also been noticed for the oodles of talent in him.
The entire galaxy is cheering for the teamwork!!