TAE-KWON-DO is the national game of KOREA. It has also become an Olympic game. LIke u have KARATE in JAPAN, similarly u have korean taekwondo. Its a kind of martial arts.
In korea, its a rule that all citizens will have to have a 2 yr training in taekwondo.
World Tae-kwon -do Federation(WTF) was established on 28th May, 1973. Now WTF has got 176 Countries as MEMBERS.
In TAEKWON DO, a person can use his body as a weapon. USage of legs is wat TAEKWONDO focusses on. The latest techniques allow hand movement too.
In an arena, there r two players. BOth has to wear chest guards, groin guards, head gear and limb guards.
the chest guards are of 2 colours.... BLUE and Red. Red is called HONG and Blue is called CHONG in korean language. there is a referree(like in WWF ARENA) in the middle and four others at the sides who give points.
there are 8 belts in taekwondo starting from white and ending in black. one can be a black belt in taekwondo in 3 yrs. every 3 months, one has to give grading exam.
its a gud sports for women...... nowadays women are harassed and so she can defend or rescue herself if attacked. There r several techniques of self defence that r taught in taekwondo.
injuries r bound to take place in the arena. one shud have a strong determination. its very easy to learn but very hardwork is needed.
I do taekwondo, and get injured frequently(only when we have tournaments). I got 2 silver (in district level) and 1 bronze (in the 17 th state level) last month.. Has to be u c..... my trainer is indian olympic selector and general secretary of BENGAL TAEKWONDO ASSOCIATION.( I call him PAPA. he is my godfather. He is also 4 dan black belt and international gold medallist-GOBIND JAISWAL)
jokes apart........ taekwondo helps u to lose weight, believe in urself and enhances ur 6th sense.
overall taekwondo makes u very strict and disciplined. We live an army-mans life!