Tajmahal is food place in india. A look this time at the Taj will keep you indulged with thoughts superimposing your sight and would make you feel the presence of Shah Jahan, the Maker and Mumtaz Mahal, the Reason, as though walking along with you. Its outsatand place to saw.It attracts so many visitors from outside our country.
This mahal was build up by a Mughal king named as Shah Jahan for his much loved wife Mumtaz Bagam. This Mahal was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the year of 1983. This beautiful place catches the attention of 7–8 million visitors in a year. I just went crazy by seeing this amazing place. This place is full of positive vibes, huge no of people visit this outstanding place its always crowdy. After visiting Taj Mahal I just want to say WAH TAJ I recommend everyone to visit.It was confirmed a winner of Seven Wonders of the World.There is a long list of prohibited items which is displayed at the visitor centre and in the electric buses. Your bag will be searched on entry so don’t try to smuggle in anything prohibited. While separate video cameras are on the banned list, a digital camera or phone that can film video is OK. I noted that flags are also banned, but the VT flag buried in my bag was either not spotted or not considered a threat!. The height of the Taj Mahal is near about 171 metres( 561 feet) tall.
It is very beautiful place in the world. .Taj mahal is a world seven wonders and the is a very good palace and shahjahn make the taj mahal for his wife mumtaj ki yaad me its make the world famaous stone sangemarmar taj mahal shining in the moon light it shine in the moon light golden color taj mahal behind yamuna nadi its beautyful palace go and see tha taj mahal friend.This place is located in the heart of Agra.This place is located in the South Bank of Yamuna River and now it is in the top list of 7 wonders in the world.This is built by sahajahn in the memory of his so loved wife Mumtaz.As we located in South india so it took Around 3 days to reach Tajmahal. But after seeing the beauty of tajmahal our stress was gone. We have to visit the Tajmahal on Fullmoon day then you can see the beauty of it in double ways.One who visits Agra or near by places I recommend every one to visit the place at least once to feel the awesome ness of TAJMAHAL.Agara has very polluted water. Because of pollution of water colour of Taj Mahal start fading. This is the matter of worry. Taj Mahal is 7th ajooba of world. Taj Mahal is proud of our Nation. This is the place where we can spend the time with family on holiday.I recommand this to all. Once in a life you should visit this place. As with so many tourist sights in India, there is a two tier system for ticketing, with foreign visitors paying considerably more than locals. In return for that higher fee however you get a number of extras, including a free ride on the electric vehicles that transport you from visitor centre and parking lot to the main entrance(no other vehicles are allowed within a 500 metre radius of the Taj in order to limit damage by pollution). You also get a bottle of water and once inside are able to bypass the long queue to enter the tomb. You also don’t have to pay for the paper slippers that can be worn over your shoes when you enter, rather than having to remove them(apparently these were introduced after some tourists’ shoes “disappeared” while they were inside.