We, as Indians have been, over the past decade, pretty tolerant, tolerant of all the wrong things and extremely intolerant of the right ones. We are ready to tolerate terrorism, we forgive and forget blasts and terrorists but we get intolerant of people from a different part of the country.
I apologise for using the Taj space to write about the terror strike on Mumbai. Mouthshut did not have an appropriate platform ||
Over the past decade, we have seen inumerable such instances, where, after being responsible for major killings / blasts the government is fine with taking a lineant view on terrorism letting people involved get off the hook.
Whereas in a particular region, it was fine by a strong political power to mouth bad words against fellow country men belonging to a certain region and have his people beat them up and make our own country men insecure in our own country.
But the lack of a strong Govt stand against terrorism has led to their (terrorists) high morale. They probably know that if they can somehow escape the scene of the crime, they are all good.
We as citizens, choose not to do anything .. and the power hungry wolves for politicians choose to take advantage of the insecure mass by using that insecurity and uniting a small group against the larger group of the country.
For around 48 hours now Terrorists have attacked Mumbai. Many innocents have lost their lives.
Where are the so called Lions and Tigers of the Mumbaiyan Urban Jungle ... The Raj Thakerays and the Bal Thakerays ? Where is their courage now ? Do you think they would use their good political connections to help out the Maratha Manoos group they are so proud to be a part of.
I was glued to my TV all day today to watch is going to happen to Mumbai, praying to dear god that no more of inocent blood is shed. It is when I look at things like these that my heart pains for their sorrow. The fact that our civilisation has reached such a pinacle of its deccadance that corruption and terrorism has infiltrated every last bit of it.
But after the Nariman House and Oberoi were cleared, the crowd cheered for the brave Indian Army and the National Security Guards ... with claps and whistles. This gave me a ray of hope. I was able to see good win over evil. The Marathi Crowd started chanting " BHARAT MATA KI JAI" and " GANPATI BAPPA MOURYA " .... strengthen my heart many folds.
It was a delightful sight to watch the Marathi Crowd cheer " BHARAT MATA KI JAI" instead of their regional " Jai Maratha" .
The Taj still remains to be rescued completely but a smile has emerged on my face. **A ray of hope that I was so wrong. This country is not beyond saving. Many and many good people live here.
This is what makes our unworthy neighbours so jealous that instead of funding their own development they are more than willing to channel it to deviously watch a prospering country burn and then helplessly see that countrys unity getting strengthened along the way !