BRING BACK JAVED JAFFERY. the laughter champions are sheer idiots, their commentary is too boring and out-of-place!how can pogo guys think that jaaved bhai can be replaced! jaaveds intelligent, witty, and ultra humurous comentary made this show a gem, but those bumbling idiots (they are only good for idiotic kavi sammelans) have made this show a living hell. on weekends, reruns come with jaaved, they are still pure gold.please pogo guys, bring back jaaved bhai, and kick those comedians out! when I hear that moron Sunil Pal, saying, Bhakt Jano, kaise ho baalkon, I feel like puking. Raju Srivatava talks non-stop irrelevant nonsense for half hour, while ehsaan can put even a dead man to sleep. That idiot navin prabhakar does weird boring commentaryu, which makes u think that ure dead and in hell! even my 10 yr. old cousin now hates the show! he was asking me why is the commentary changed? please bring back jaaved bhai!